
ECO Cleaning Services


At ECO Cleaning, we use gentle, safe shampooing to coax out the grind-in dirt and spills that have accumulated in your carpet. It is not uncommon for the air inside a home or office to be more toxic than the air outside. This is because of the presence of toxic materials and substances and the fact that homes and buildings are better insulated than ever before (which is a good thing from an energy standpoint). This is especially important when cleaning your carpets when you are sensitive to chemicals, or allergy prone.

Most of the conventional cleaning products we all grew up with are petroleum-based and have dubious health and environmental implications. For our Carpet Cleaning service, we use all natural, environment-friendly products and methods to keep your carpet clean and fresh-smelling without the toxic side effects to clean your carpets. This is especially important if you have small children, pets or asthmatic sufferers in you household.


Whether it's carbon credits for greening of your business or simple business economics, studies have proven that a healthy environment with low VOC particulates is good business. We work with our business customers to define the level of "greening" that makes economic sense for your business and buildings....

Our address: 7564 Wyandotte Street East
Windsor Ontario

Telephone: 519-944-2307


Service: Janitorial Services, Carpets Cleaning, Furniture Cleaning

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